SPDR - Contact Us
Contact Us & Donate
Rev. Kathy Lee-Cornell, LMSW
Director, Synod Partnership for Disaster Recovery
214.390.1894 x3
SPDR is a Covenant Partnership between 11 Presbyteries, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, and the Synod of the Sun.
Cimarron Presbytery (www.cimarronpresbytery.org)
Eastern Oklahoma Presbytery (www.eokpresbytery.org)
Grace Presbytery (www.gracepresbytery.org)
Indian Nations Presbytery (www.okinp.org)
Mission Presbytery (www.mission-presbytery.org)
Palo Duro Presbytery (paloduropresbytery.org)
Pines Presbytery (www.pinespby.org)
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (pda.pcusa.org)
Presbytery of Arkansas (presbyark.org)
Presbytery of New Covenant (pbyofnewcovenant.org)
Presbytery of South Louisiana (www.pbysouthla.org)
Presbytery of Tres Rios (tresrios.org)
Synod of the Sun (www.synodsun.org)
Monetary donations are the most efficient and effective way to support those impacted by disasters. In the aftermath of a disaster, on-the-ground needs evolve constantly. Financial gifts provide the greatest flexibility and capacity to acquire the right supplies and to support local economies at the same time.
Give to PDA
To support the ongoing ministry of Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, please give directly to PDA: https://pda.pcusa.org/page/give/
Gifts to PDA may be designated to the disaster/relief effort of your choice. Additionally, the One Great Hour of Sharing special offering of the Presbyterian Church (USA) provides the core funding for the work of PDA.
Give to Presbyteries
SPDR is a collaborative ministry of the partners of the Synod of the Sun. SPDR operations are supported by financial commitments of PDA and each of our partner presbyteries.
Each presbytery is able to receive financial gifts designated for disaster response and recovery efforts. These funds are disbursed to congregations and community partners in accordance with presbytery protocol.
Donating Supplies & Items
Please refer to the Gifts of the Hearts Kits Program page for supplies and items often needed for disaster response.
Before sending other supplies and items, please consider:
Are these items wanted?
How will the items be delivered to the disaster site?
How will the items be distributed after it arrives?