Betsy Kerr Munson-John Steele Kerr Scholarship Application
This application page is ONLY for undergraduate students attending Austin College or Trinity University in the studies of education (female) or pre-medicine (male or female). Any other applicants should use this page:
The primary purpose of this scholarship program, as set forth by the donor) is to support education (female students) and pre-medicine (male and female students) majors, primarily at Austin College, with funding for students at Trinity University, should funding be available.

The scholarship is multi-year, up to $5000 per year, with a maximum of $20,000 for four years.
The following criteria must be met by each applicant:
You must be enrolled at Austin College or Trinity University.
A female applicant must be in pursuit of a major in education or pre-medicine (or their equivalents). A male applicant must be in pursuit of a major in pre-medicine (or its equivalents).
An applicant must be a member in good standing of a Presbyterian Church, as determined by the Synod Grants and Scholarship Commission.
If you meet these four criteria, you can submit your application online.
Application Information
In addition to submitting your application online, the applicant must also furnish the following documents:
Letters of recommendation from (a) a pastor or minister at the applicant's church, and (b) two additional members of the applicant's church.
A letter from an officer of the church confirming the length of time of the applicant's active membership.
A listing of church participation, activities, and attendance from the applicant.
An official transcript from the applicant's school(s) of their scholastic achievement.
An official record of the applicant's performance on standardized aptitude tests, such as the SAT or ACT.
An essay from the applicant, speaking to their personal virtues and accomplishments.
A listing of extracurricular activities, awards and recognitions, special talents, and other noteworthy activities from the applicant.
Recommendations from teachers and other persons who are not related to the candidate.
All application components must be received in the Synod office by January 16, 2023.
Mail To:
Synod of the Sun
445 E. FM 1382 - Ste 3-778
Cedar Hill, TX 75104