The Synod of the Sun Presbyterian Disaster Network will provide disaster assistance training, preparation, and response resources for churches and their communities by sharing resources and fostering a mutual network of support to better equip communities in times of natural and human-caused disaster. Our purpose is to communicate, coordinate, cooperate and collaborate in disaster preparedness, disaster relief, and post-disaster recovery. Coming together as a network, we can share information, best practices, equipment and materials, and can organize to best serve those in need through Jesus Christ.

This network will also allow the three presbyteries to better coordinate with our congregations and other organizations within and outside of our geographic boundaries. The name was chosen with the knowledge this network might need to be expanded in the future while at the present acknowledging our desire to come to the aid of other presbyteries suffering a disaster. Our primary goals:
Focus on immediate response and long term recovery of disaster-impacted communities.
Provide training for disaster preparedness and disaster response and develop implementation plans for the activation of services.
Work Collaboratively with faith-based, community and government organizations, and church partners with an emphasis on actively sharing resources for the most efficient and effective outcomes.
Connect partners locally and statewide with key organizations active in disaster training and response – Local VOADS (Volunteer Organizations Active in Disasters), Red Cross, FEMA, along with other Local and State Emergency Management organizations.
Focus on immediate response and long term recovery of disaster-impacted communities.

As this is a brand new network, our current resources include education and training for Synod congregations to prepare to serve their communities should a disaster occur. Presbyteries and congregations who wish to know more about the network can invite network representatives to speak about SoSPDN in order to better understand our purpose and gain support.
Volunteer to help those in need at
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
FEMA Disaster Playbooks for Faith Communities